Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 22, 2020

It’s true, we are all going to die.. eventually.

It is going to take a very long time for all 331 million Americans to die if it’s Covid19 that gets us.

According to CDC (Center for Disease Control) statistics for yesterday (Sept. 21, 2020) 270 Americans died from the China Flu. That is one American out of every 1,225,925 Americans. At that rate we will all be dead (if we stop reproducing right now) in 3,357 years… that is the year 5377 AD. Mark your calendar.

Is there an effort underway to make us all think the China Virus is much, much, much worse than it really is?

What if the Democrats are trying to scare us all away from the polls AND are pushing for vote-by-mail so they can gather zillions of fraudulent votes AND are making things look as bad as possible so they can blame Trump? Sounds like a 3-step plan the Democrats would go for to me.

Nancy Pelosi is wondering, “Will THIS plan work?”