Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 28, 2020

Day 4 of the RNC convention happened last evening.

By any rational standard it was a spectacular display of truth, passion, reason, hope, history, direction. . . and pyrotechnics.

So why is ABC News crying about it this morning? Read it HERE.

Even if Trump’s plan for America is not your favorite, if you watched the convention you would look pretty silly to say it lacked meaningful content, or it was full of lies and propaganda. American citizens shared their heartfelt stories of personal hope and recovery from tragedy… they weren’t lying or propagandizing.

Documented, verifiable, cold-hard statistics about the economic and social conditions were openly presented. They all show hope and promise for the future because they are the result of Trump’s policies-in-action. Numbers from the last four years establish, indisputably, that Trump’s policies for restoring America have worked to a spectacular degree.

Will the anti-Trump press ever return to reporting only checked facts? Will they ever stop trying to influence people to advance their own biased agenda?

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS,. . . they edit-out the truth and sell only lies.