Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 14, 2020

There are some key elements employed by organizations like college frats, sororities, and many secret organizations when new members are being “molded” to take-on the desired attitude. Check the following list of steps to transformation and see if it sounds familiar.

  1. Isolation: Remove the subject from social interaction.
  2. Mask, or blindfold the subject to decrease their dependency on themselves and increase their sense of need for supervision and guidance.
  3. Upset every aspect of their normal routine. Instill a sense of inadequacy regarding their “former” way of life.
  4. Elevate the anxiety being experienced by the subject. Such “hazing” makes the subject focus-on learning how to gain approval.
  5. Disclose to the subject the identifying item, or action so they can now tell who is in and who is not.
Vote against social isolation (quarantines), mandatory identifiers (masks), a fundamentally transformed America (Covid 19 changes everything forever), manufactured anxiety (the old way of American life is gone forever), and being told to consider non-conformists (people without masks) to be the enemy. Don’t pledge the Democrat’s fraternity.