MEET Dr. Li-Ming Yan

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 11, 2020

Dr. Yan defected to America this week. She left her family and friends behind in order to expose what she knows about the early history of COVID19. She believes the information would have, and still can, save lives.

Yan was one of the first scientists in the world to study COVID19. She was asked by her supervisor at the WHO reference lab in 2019 to look into the odd cluster of SARS-like cases coming out of mainland China.

Yan says the Chinese government knew about COVID19 well before it claimed it did. Her supervisors ignored research she was doing at the onset of the pandemic, facts that could have saved lives. Read more HERE.

The Liberal agenda prescribes “outrage” as the response against anyone suggesting COVID19 is entirely a Chinese-caused problem. In reality the evidence has always supported justification for the name Wuhan Virus, or Kung Flu, or China Virus.

Why do the Democrats want to distort the clear and ample evidence that Communist China is opposed to America’s best interests? Maybe it’s because the current Administration says China IS America’s enemy. The Never-Trump Democrats are bound to take an opposing position to anything the President says, to Hell with the facts!

The virus lab in Wuhan China where COVID19 was first observed… in 2013!