Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 09, 2020

The government seems to want hospitals to cheat on Medicare charges based upon how the allowed charges are structured.

If a patient is discharged after treatment for non-Covid 19- like symptoms the allowable Medicare charge is $5000.

If a patient is discharged after treatment for COVID 19-like symptoms the allowable Medicare charge is $13,000. (260% bonus)

If a patient is discharged after treatment for COVID19-like symptoms requiring a respirator the allowable Medicare charge is $36,000. (720% bonus).

The worse the COVID scare is made to look the more likely people are to view President Trump unfavorably. Who stands to gain the most by making the President look bad right now? Hint, their mascot is a donkey..

Could there be a political motive behind the effort to make COVID19 look much worse than the following facts indicate?

1 in every 109 Americans has, or has had, Covid 19-like symptoms.

1 in every 186 of those who have, or have had, Covid 19-like symptoms were seriously ill.

185 of every 186 of those who have, or have had, Covid 19-like symptoms were mildly ill.

1 in every 23 people who were seriously ill with Covid 19-like symptoms died… that is 0 .43% of the total cases to date.

China gives us the virus and the masks. Ironic don’t you think?