Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 29, 2020

To avert a second term for the current President the Left has unleashed the hounds!

Democrats, Hollywood, Social and Entertainment Media, BLM, Antifa, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Globalists, Climatists, and a host of lesser powers are convinced that now is the time to go all-in for the cultural and political restructuring of America. A feeding frenzy has begun.

Conservatives have been relying on lawful means to advance many causes including fair elections, policy changes, school options, individual rights, secure borders, law and order, and free enterprise.

Meanwhile the other side has been focusing on altering American culture at its foundation, exploiting non-Whites, labor unions, and anyone opposed to historical American values in order to get votes. They have infiltrated schools from K thru Post Graduate with administrative and teaching staff who promote the Liberal agenda while suppressing traditional American values.

Conservatives have brought a brief case to a gun fight!

In this very serious game of Capture the Flag the goal of the Democrats is to prevent the other party from winning the White House again. They plan to stop Trump by any means necessary. The Left seems to sense this is their last chance to avoid further investigation into the Deep State/Shadow Government. Folks like the Clintons and the Obamas know what awaits them if the opposition wins a second term. The Swamp dwellers have taken-up arms!

Victory is easily won for traditional American values. All that needs to happen is for concerned Americans to register to vote, to support–with money and/or time– candidates who are opposed to the Democrat agenda, and for those people to vote on November 3, 2020.

In the mean time shelter-in-place and steer clear of the domestic terrorist activities that have begun. Stay safe so you can vote to preserve America’s history, rather than to re-write it.

The fat lady has not sung yet.

Register. Avoid the violence. Vote. Save America!