“MOLON LABE” — say what? 1,5,14*

Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 13, 2015

The phrase comes from Spartan General Leonidas. It was his reply to Persian Emperor Xerxes who demanded  the Spartans surrender their weapons.

Translated into American the phrase becomes: “COME AND GET THEM!”

The phrase is currently surging in use as a battle-cry against unceasing efforts by Liberals to confiscate legally registered firearms from citizens who are specified in the Second Amendment as, “The People”).

The Liberal’s latest effort involves forced confiscation of the weapons and their subsequent destruction. When, and if, the rightful owner sues for the return of their guns, and the court finds in their favor, the government offers the cash value and the owner must go through the firearm registration maze all over again.

“The strongest reason for a people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves from tyranny in government.” –Thomas Jefferson

*select the MENU and open THE LIST to decipher the numbers.