Making the President look bad is one of the Democrat’s go-to tools. After all, success for Trump makes him harder to defeat in November. Democrats figure Joe Biden will have a better chance to become POTUS 46 [shudder] if American voters are dazed, confused, angry, and frightened.

For the good of our nation should the Democrat’s set some limit on their smear tactics. Is it OK for them to fuel panic by downplaying good news and promoting , or even fabricating, bad news ?

Like the President, or not, the bigger issue is what should be done about those who try to exacerbate a bad situation? Isn’t it a punishable offense to yell “FIRE!” in a crowded theater?

Here’s one example from today’s news. CBS News aired a video showing chaotic conditions in a hospital in Italy. . . but presented it as being from a New York City facility. (See HERE.). The image they hope to create is that the President’s failed leadership is causing chaos in American hospitals.

COVID19 has all the elements for creating a national, or global, panic and rioting. Anyone who participates in an effort to incite such a response is acting illegally, (see HERE.)

Register and vote against Democrats.