Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 26, 2016

We’ve had plenty, way more than enough, of the Establishment’s viciously distorted version of who Trump is and what he’s up to. Here is Trump’s version of what’s going-on. Watch Donald J. Trump explain himself and his motive. It is time to exercise what can very well be your last chance to vote in a […]


Go for the gold on Crooked Hillary’s scale of deplorability… vote for Trump-Pence!


An American think tank has researched and published a list of the top US politicians who are currently campaigning and/or have collected funds from Islamic sources. The list includes how much each has received for the years 2015-16, and for their lifetime. At the top of the list with the most “donations” is (drum roll please)… […]


13 DAYS TO GO! Reason to vote for Trump/Pence: Restore integrity to the election process. Stop voter fraud! A United Kingdom company named Smartmatic has provided voting machines to the following places: Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. The problem […]


Here is an actual image of one of the MANY emails revealed by wikileaks before they had to go into hiding from Hillary’s assassins. It contains PROOF that Obama (POTUS) used Hillary’s (HRC) unofficial, unprotected email account for official business. In a free country this would result in criminal charges against ALL parties. America’s media […]


Halleluiah! Something in America is coming to life. Actually two things. There is a new and real hope to Make America Great Again on November 8, 2018. And, there is the reality of either the Chicago Cubs grasping what they have fervently sought since 1908, or the Cleveland Indians realizing the dream they have pursued […]


Vote against Clinton. Vote for Trump-Pence. There is a fundamental difference.


One of the Left’s biggest opinion shapers, Billy Ray’s little girl Miley Cyrus, was on the campaign trail for Crooked Hillary last Saturday. She got dolled-up (see pic) to persuade the next generation of Socialist leaders at George Mason University in Virginia to register and vote for Hillary. Many of the male students were hoping […]


What Barack Hussein should have said in a speech recently was, “I have only had 9 major scandals in my administration.” What he actually said was, “I have not had any scandals in my administration.” Apparently he forgot about: The IRS targeting scandal. The VA waiting List scandal. The GSA spending spree scandal. The Benghazi […]


14 days to go! Today’s reason: Hillary is a  pathological liar! She uses every dirty trick imaginable to destroy opponents. She will say anything to get elected. For a specific example here are some excerpts taken from recently revealed Clinton campaign emails from 2008. The subject is oversampling in polls. (In polling, the practice of oversampling […]