Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 04, 2018

Liberal influence on American society is eroding the foundation. Thing are getting zany.

To understand this you must read about what a “TERF” is.

Using Occam’s Razor as our analysis guide it seems logical that Trannys– oops, sorry, people who suffer from Gender Dysphoria— would be aligned socially and politically with Feminists. Wrong!

A Feminist is a person– usually female although males identifying as females can be functioning Feminists– who feels strongly that women have been shackled by men with needless restrictions and limitations based solely upon the female’s lack of a Y-chromosome in her DNA structure. Feminists are characterized by a zealous dedication to the removal of any and all such limitations/restrictions. A very common side-effect of being a Feminist is exhibiting a virulent dislike for non-feminist males.

Doesn’t this mean that a man ( a Homo Sapien with X-Y chromosomes) who is identifying as a woman is actually pretending to be a member of the group that despises what he actually is? The following picture represents just such a person. . .

The Liberal influence is making life too fuzzy to be meaningful.

Simplify your life by registering to vote against Liberals (Democrats) in November.

Make America Simple Again!