In referring to Haiti and certain other nations where the citizens have learned over their entire history to live with ongoing corrupt government, poverty, lack of basic infrastructure, no schools, no health care, minimal law enforcement,  few jobs, and no security or happiness, the President ALLEGEDLY used a slang term from The Dictionary of American Slang, Fourth Edition . . . the word “Shithole” . 

According to Wictionary the term applies to “a very dirty, unpleasant place”.

The choice seems like a terse, definitive, no-nonsense and perfectly appropriate word to accurately describe the nations in question.

But, alas, in their frantic search for grounds for impeachment, the Leftists will now try to abort the presidency of Donald Trump because– being a non-politician, man of the people– he used a “vulgar” (the word “vulgar” means the language of the people) term!

Let the outrage begin! Stop the presses! Alert the media! Release the hounds! Print the headlines! Plead for donations! Script the late-night and daytime TV talk show hosts! Form a Congressional committee (if Mueller is all done with Russiagate)! And give Saturday Night Live the go-ahead to skit the crap out of this issue.

Lets watch their righteous indignation as the Democrats take the moral high ground.

By the way, our President has always spoken his mind. Here’s a clip of President Trump on the campaign trail back in 2016 telling America what he had planned for ISIS. . . (fast-forward to today and he did just what he promises in this video)