Any day now Barack Hussein Obama will announce that good times are here again regarding Cuban-US relations.

Just recently removed from the official list of states sponsoring terrorism, communist Cuba is being courted by both Russia and Obama.

Putin may have the advantage because of the torrid love affair between the USSR and Cuba back in the late 50’s and early 60’s. We just dodged WWIII on that one.

Cuban politics has not changed. Russian politics has not changed. They are both still joined by their mutual desire to bring down America.

What could be less justifiable than releasing high-level terrorists to rejoin the campaign to dominate the world for Islam? Oh, that’s easy, how about lifting all sanctions against a long-standing enemy of America’s way of life and reaching-out a friendly hand to the nation that just 28 years ago played a key role in enabling nuclear destruction of the entire Eastern half of your nation?

What is Barack Hussein thinking? What is the Liberal agenda for America?