Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 19, 2017

It took her longer than many thought to blame the Electoral College system for her failure to win the White House despite the fact that the fix was in and magazine covers depicting Madam President were hot off the presses and ready for distribution.

Hillary wants America to abandon the Electoral College system and go to a “winner-take-all” system. That’s because she packed the 2016 popular vote in major urban areas with illegal voters which put her ahead of her opponent.

Replacing the Electoral College with a National Popular Vote system would mean big city voters would determine who wins. Rural, small town voters would be pretty much irrelevant.

Maybe Democrats want inner city voters, aka the popular vote, to rule the outcome since they won the popular vote in 2000 (Gore v. Bush), and in 2016 (Clinton v. Trump), but lost the White House.

Replacing the Electoral College is not likely to happen.

Maybe this will be the last excuse Hillary offers. Here’s hoping!