Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 15, 2017

  1. Deny history. Refuse to accept the factual truth that the Republican party was founded to oppose slavery which the Democrats fully supported along with the Civil War and racist policies.
  2. Avoid books which provide verifiable references for every point made. Use sources which can say anything they want without providing sources or references.
  3. Project your faults on to your opponents. If you want to play-down the fact that you are a Socialist who favors big government simply assert that your adversaries are racists. This tactic relies heavily on the fact that the people who hear/read your assertions will accept them without checking.
  4. Use Orwellian Double Speak. Up is down. Hot is cold. Bad is good. etc. Demand and use only Politically Correct views. Misrepresent your opponent’s position. Arouse anger and other emotions. It’s OK if your statements contradict themselves because no one checks.
  5. Use fashion, music, and Hollywood to entertain the younger generation. They will respond to being entertained and will feel an affinity for you because “you get it”.
  6. Use gender and sexuality issues to gain support. Denigrate traditional roles. Make people feel they must be either with you or against you. Make the established rules look oppressive even if they are not. Nobody will follow-up on what you say.
  7. Repeat your ideas over-and-0ver. Weaken disserters by bullying, intimidation, and humiliation. If they persist then throw them out. Others will take notice and be reluctant to voice disagreement with the dogma.
  8. Control education entities, especially the higher learning ones. People figure college professors are beyond reproach. Dumb everything down so non-thinkers can be part of academia.
  9. Promote more and more government control of society. Create the illusion that only the government can really solve problems and make everything work. This means big spending, even it exceeds income. Demonize the wealthy. Create an air of Elite vs. Commoners then tell the Commoners you are their champion even though you are really one of the Elite.
  10. Enlist the support on America’s enemies abroad. They will gladly help to weaken America. Establish a common base with those nations who want America to fail.

(Thanks to Bredfan at toberight.com)