Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 25, 2017

Here is one glaring difference between Left (Democrat) and Right (Republican) policy-in-action at the state level…

Per-taxpayer state debt in Right-run states averages $1,814.

Per-taxpayer state debt in Left-run states is $22,214.

That’s a ratio of 12:1.

Since most states have a balanced budget requirement they must play some accounting and reporting tricks to appear legal. Some of those common tricks are:

  1. Lie about anticipated revenue collections. Inflate income figures! (a lie).
  2. Count borrowed money as available cash, as if it did not have to be paid-back!. (a lie).
  3. Understate the actual cost of government, (a lie).
  4. Move scheduled debt payments to the next fiscal year so they do not show-up on current reports. (a lie).

So, as you register to vote in the upcoming mid-term election, remember that deceit, trickery, and outright dishonesty are commonly accepted behaviors in the Democrat/Leftist playbook.