Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 16, 2017

In Liberal circles it is not cool to say anything bad about anything except traditional American beliefs.

So those Liberals pretend everything, no matter how distasteful, immoral, or bizarre is perfectly normal.

For example, an Army guy named Bradley Edward Manning violated almost every rule against espionage and was sentenced to 35 years in prison. (See picture. Brad’s the short one.)

Lucky for Brad the President then was a bleeding-heart, anti-American, friend of Islam, mega-Liberal. Barry granted the convicted spy a commutation after less than 7 years in lockup. That was acceptable to the Liberals.

Also, Bradley wanted the Army to pay for his transition from male to female. That was also acceptable in the Liberal camp. So Mr. and Mrs. Manning’s little boy Brad became Chelsea, a dishonorably discharged spy now wearing cosmetics and dresses. (See pic).

Chelsea was invited by Harvard University to be a Visiting Fellow (oops. he wants to be a gal, not a fellow), but he accepted and that too was fine with the Liberals.

But then some folks who see things differently than Liberals do protested the appointment and Harvard withdrew the offer.

So the spy who is no longer a fellow… is no longer a Fellow!

Through it all the Liberals found nothing unacceptable.

They probably will call Harvard’s decision to abandon Bradley neo-Nazism caused by President Trump’s ongoing message of hate and bigotry!

Stop the madness. Things like truth; the rule of law; and biology matter just as much as Black Lives! Register for the upcoming mid-term election and vote against anyone who supports the lunacy that is Liberal Doctrine.