Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Aug 31, 2017

There is no shortage of videos online explaining the “one and only occurrence” of certain heavenly body alignments coming in 23 days. Just search for “Sept. 23” and you’ll get a bunch of them.

They all sound pretty convincing. But they all overlook some facts that don’t play into their dramatic assertion that this is a “sign from God” of the soon-coming end of all things as foretold in the Bible (Revelation 12:1).

Here are some of those overlooked facts:

#1: The sun will be in Virgo at the time so none of Virgo’s stars will be visible.

#2: The three planets in Leo will be visible in the early morning, but low in the S.E. sky. Venus is very bright and will be easy to spot,but both Mars and Mercury are dim and will be virtually invisible.

#3: The thin crescent moon will be invisible except in the evening sky.

#4: Jupiter will set before evening twilight.

#5: So, this whole “sign” will NEVER be simultaneously visible as depicted on the manufactured videos. Even those parts that will actually be visible will never be seen at the same time.

So don’t bother looking-up into the night sky on Sept. 23 expecting to see all the things they talk about. You won’t see anything like what they describe.

Use your time more wisely… read the entire book of Revelation!