If the press, that is newspapers, TV, radio, and magazines,–both online and printed — would deal only in verified, factual information there would be a lot more clarity and understanding in America, a lot less division.

America’s mainstream press today has become a Fifth Column [A group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an opposing ideology. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine and can involve acts of disinformation.] advancing the ideologies of Globalism and Liberalism.

The Press is a for-profit business. Giving customers what they want is the key to sustained profits. Whatever “sells newspapers” is what gets published. Most media operations today have a Bias Filter which cuts-out anything unfavorable to their agenda while focusing on unfavorable “news” about any opposing ideology… without regard for the whole truth.

In America’s supply and demand economy it appears the demand for truth has given way to the demand for information that consistently flatters one ideology while besmirching the other.

Be careful what you watch, read, and listen to.