Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 17, 2017

Slavery–now called “human trafficking”– is fundamentally an evil practice.

So is disregarding the Constitution and stealing rights away from States and The People in order to centralize political power.

Both of those evil practices led to America’s Civil War, the darkest period in her short history.

There is now a Liberal/Progressive sentiment that says America should revise history and eliminate any reminders of the War Between the States.

WRONG! Truth is essential to valid history. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth is what our young should be taught.

At the recent G20 pow-wow, one world leader stood-out from the crowd. One of many reasons this guy rose above the Globalists was his lapel pin.

Everyone but America’s duly elected President wore a lapel pin identifying the concept of a happy, borderless world under one centralized benevolent government… the New World Order.

POTUS 45 wore an American flag lapel pin!

Anyway, about revising history, the guy with the Stars and Stripes on his lapel donated his entire paycheck to the Park Service to be used to maintain battle sites, which memorialize–not glorify– actual events of the Civil War.

So much for revising history to appease the special snowflakes.

And here’s the money…

Keep history truthful and make America great again. Register and vote against Liberal/Progressive/Globalist/RINO candidates in the 2018 mid-term elections.