Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 29, 2016

In an effort to further damage America Obama has designated  two vast areas as off-limits to new energy development.

Disguised as preservation of Indian heritage the new National Monuments include 1.3 million acres in Nevada, and 300,000 acres in Utah. Both areas are known to have significant potential for energy production.

Politicians in both states,and nationwide, have consistently opposed the designation. The Antiquities Act allows the president to make such designations at will. Such acts cannot be repealed by subsequent presidents, but can be by Congress.

Any “sacred” sites deserve to be, and could easily be, preserved without banning energy exploration/production. But the Globalist agenda includes prevention of American energy independence.

President Soetoro is doing as much damage as he can in his few remaining days as leader of the Free World. Keep watching him these next two weeks!

Remember, the DNC gave America this Communist-raised Islamic supporter, and they have fully supported him all the way from community organizing in Chicago to the White House.

[Obama’s pal Harry Reid has fought for the ban on energy production.]