Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 28, 2016

Jill Stein, Green party candidate for POTUS in 2016, wants a recount of some of the Nov. 8 election results.

Her pleas for money to fund the recount have built-up a war chest containing about about $5.5M, and the “grassroots” campaign is continuing! Folks are pitching-in at impressive rates, sometimes exceeding $4K per minute!

What’s the money for? “ELECTION INTEGRITY DEPENDS ON YOU!”, is what the pleas claim.

Basically the premise is that Trump somehow stole the Electoral votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. A recount will overturn Trump’s victory and Hillary–who recently made an appearance in support of the scam… oops, I mean effort to restore integrity– will be America’s 45th president!

Some think the effort is a cash clean-up campaign to give Liberals a chance to give whatever they have left in this last ditch effort to avert the Conservative landslide victory of Nov. 8.

Others think Ms. Stein is simply going to keep the money for future campaigns.

Then there is the thought that the money will be used to bribe Electors to go faithless (rogue) and not vote for Trump in December. (This plot is doomed because they would need to successfully bribe more Electors than they can possibly afford because each rogue vote would be punished by a cash fine.)

Liberal doctrine is as alive and corrupt as ever.jillsteinfleecer

[thanks to Rich Terrell at] Tags: COMMENTS